CHOICE B4-As they step into the clearing, the testers relies that Tanner is not alone. They look from Tanner to Jack wondering why he brought a dragon. Dragons and wizards are not usually friends and the testers are surprised that they are together. Coldly, the testes address Tanner and make him empty his pockets onto a table. After examining everything he brought they ask if he is ready. “Yes,” Tanner says. The testers ask Jack to step away from Tanner, then, the test starts. They ask Tanner one question, ‘Would you let one person die if by doing so you saved many?” Tanner didn’t even hesitate with his answer. “Yes.” The testers step away from the table and talk amuse themselves. They approach Tanner and lay a set of black robes on the table for him. He has passed unto a wizard master but with black robes. This means that Tanner is a dark wizard. The testers take one last look Jack and vanish without any explanation, leaving Jack and Tanner behind. Tanner puts on his robes and they head home together. In silence they make their way through the forest. Jack understands why Tanner was given black robes but wonders if his friend knows why. Nearing the house, Tanner sees his mother through the shop window. He goes through the door and his mother looks up. She doesn’t recognize Tanner for a moment in the black robes. But then she sees that it is her son. She is surprised that Tanner has black robes for even she knows that it means Tanner is a dark wizard. “You must leave, for you must be evil inside to have gotten the black robes. I cannot have you in my home.’’ She turns and runs up the stairs. Tanner sadly gathers his things and tries one last time to take to his mother but she refuses. Slowly he leaves the house. He stops on the front step, pausing a moment, then he steps off into the night with Jack.